Quotes From Luo Yun Sutra of Forberance
(C: Lou You Renru Jing, Vol.1)
"The awakening Dharma of the Buddha goes against the mundane. That which the mundane cherishes is despised by the Way. Clear and turbid waters flow in separate ways. The wise and the ignorant take different paths; enmity is inevitable between the righteous and the corrupt, and the evil always resent the virtuous."
《羅云忍辱經》 卷一
Excerpts From The Correct Meanings of the Āgamas: Exploring the Origin of the Doctrine of Vijnana-Only, Vol. 7.
Venerable Xiao Pingshi
Sentient beings favor and always get caught up in various phenomenal dharmas within the stream of transmigration. They do not orient themselves toward the unconditioned dharma which corresponds to the notion of nirvana. On the one hand, they would say that they seek liberation, but they only favor semblance liberation and not actual liberation. They become the belief of non-Buddhists who only pay lip service to the transcendence of the conscious mind by abiding in a thoughtless state, mistaking it to be the factual realization of attaining the remainderless nirvana.
The Correct Meanings of the Āgamas: Exploring the Origin of the Doctrine of Vijnana-Only, Vol. 7. p. 2389