(Ten-Volume Series in Traditional Chinese)
The distinction between the Three Turnings of the Dharma Wheel during the Five Periods of Teachings by the Buddha can be categorized into four doctrinal principles: the Tripiṭaka Teachings, Shared Teachings, Distinct Teachings, and Perfect Teachings. The Sūtra of the Dharma Wheel about Non-Regression is a sūtra of the Shared Teachings in the pre-Mahāyāna prajñā period, which preaches the correct principle of Mahāyāna prajñā and the attainment of liberation fruition, shared with the Path to Liberation in the Two Vehicles. However, the Buddhist wisdom in it is shared with the Mahāyāna prajñā. As both the teachings of the profound principle of Mahāyāna prajñā and the teachings of liberation are shared, the attainment of the fruit of liberation is a teaching shared with the Two Lesser Vehicles. The true principle—non-conceptual dharma, the eighth consciousness expounded therein—is the sole causal factor for the World-Honored One’s taking a descended rebirth in the human world. This eighth consciousness is capable of benevolence and remains tranquil, constantly following sentient beings in their cyclic birth and death without any transgression. The compounded dharmas with an inherent uncontaminated nature, together with the nirvanic state of reality-suchness stored in the entity of the eighth consciousness, are capable of benefitting Buddhist learners, helping them eventually achieve the ultimate Buddhahood. The term Śākyamuni has two parts: Śākya, which signifies capability for benevolence, and muni, which signifies tranquility. The aforementioned eighth consciousness is thus called Śākyamuni. Śākyamuni is equivalent to the benevolent and tranquil eighth consciousness: reality-suchness. Those who hear the true principle of the permanently abiding eighth consciousness and the unceasing Tathāgata and faithfully accept, obey, and act upon it will have the causal conditions for truly realizing the Mahāyāna. In addition, they will never stray from the Path to Buddhahood. Therefore, those who hear and understand the meaning of Śākyamuni will never regress from the state of unsurpassed, perfect enlightenment. There will definitely be causes and conditions for the true enlightenment of the Buddha Dharma in their future lives.